Friday, January 29, 2010

Upgrade Your Watercolor Paints

I see beginning watercolor students struggle with their student grade paints. Student grade have less pigment and lots of filler. Thus, they have less pigment power. They are more fugitive and are sometimes harder to mix desired colors. They are cheaper! In fact if all of the color tubes are priced the same......four dollar range......they are poor quality. When a student makes the big leap to Artist Grade or Professional Grade Paints, their reactions are of surprise and delight with the pigment power of the paints. I know good artist supplies are expensive. Purchase just what you think you will use. It is well worth the investment.

Friday, January 22, 2010

A Job Well Done

When two artists share their talents, the results are wonderful. We both had several paintings rendered on rice paper which is extremely fragil. These must be mounted on a backing.....more rice paper or 90 lb watercolor paper. We made our own wheat paste and prepared to mount all of those paintings. The results were remarkable. All of the paintings were successful and even much more brilliant after being mounted. Some times it means just jumping right in and tackle the big job. It is always more fun if you can do the impossible with another friend.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What inspires me today.

A fellow artist asked me why I paint flowers so frequently. Things that are bold and beautiful just ask to be painted. Usually I grab my camera to catch the colors and light contrasts. That begins my journey.....drawing, designing, planning....then painting.